Standard Potenciar 1224: 2019

Potenciar 1224:2019 Standard and Potenciar Management System; a technical tool for managing organizational risks and crises, which increases benefits and results based on comprehensive security, sustainability and innovation.

The Potenciar Management System allows you to increase development, innovation, and profits in your organization.

SKU: 100 Category:


What is the Potenciar Standard 1224: 2019?

Potenciar Standard 1224: 2019, is an international standard for the prevention and management of ten permanent phases over time for different types of problems, risks and crises.

Based on the principle of managing before and after the destruction phases occur.


What is the Potenciar Standard 1224: 2019 for?

The application of the Potenciar Standard 1224: 2019 allows well-being, improvement, continuity, innovation and sustainable development over time of all life activities, in governments, individuals, families, society, companies, organizations, countries and humanity.

With the certification of

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